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Rhode Island Hospital Statistics

This report displays Rhode Island hospitals and the number of patients discharged along with the amount the hospital billed and the amount reimbursed by Medicare. The report is sorted by the percentage difference for the services that were provided. This is one way to compare the relative cost-effectiveness of each hospital.

For example, within Rhode Island, Kent County Memorial Hospital has the greatest percentage discrepancy receiving only 28.20% on average of their billing reimbursed by Medicare. On the other hand, Roger Williams Medical Center gets the highest percentage of their billings reimbursed by Medicare at 62.19%.

The columns below represent:
  • Discharges - The number of patients discharged
  • AVG Charged - The average dollar amount charged by the hospital
  • AVG Paid - The average amount of Medicare reimbursement
  • AVG Discrepancy - The average of the difference between the charged and reimbursed amounts
  • % Difference - The percentage of the total charged by the hospital that Medicare reimbursed

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